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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lorde of [...] with o| [...]s taken [...].Amongſt others, capitayne Cullane, and capitayne Kenedie twoo chiefe leaders of the footemen were taken: diuers of theyr horſemen alſo in the retire were taken, amongſt whome the Lorde Keith, ſonne to the Earle Marſhall of Scotland was the chiefeſt. But this victorie was not atchieued without loſſe of diuers En|gliſhmenne. Amongſt other one Pel, enſeigne bearer to ſir Iohn Markharus bande of footemẽ was ſlayne. Alſo maſter Edrington a capi|tayne at light horſemen,M. Edrington taken. was taken pryſoner by the Lard of Edmonſton at the firſte charge gi|uen vpon the Scottiſh horſemen, and led away without a [...] [...]eue.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beſide the manfull prowes of Sir Henry Percy, and other the Engliſh capitaynes before [...], the forwarde valiancie ſhewed that day of ſir William Brereton,Sir William Brereton. and Thomas Markham, that led his father Sir Iohn Mark|ham bande of footemen, alſo of Raufe Elle that a Capitayne of horſemen, is not to be forgot|ten, who with diuers other Capitaynes and Souldiers behaued themſelues in ſuch wiſe at that preſent ſeruice, as theyr dealings therein doſe [...]n [...] ſpeciall memory.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Moreouer at an other tyme the Scottes and Frenchmenne entryng into England, the Scottiſhe horſemenne to the number of a thou|ſande or there aboutes, paſſed foorth to brenne and forray the countrey, but the Earle of Nor|thumberlande, and his brother Sir Henry Per|cy, aſſembled togither a power of horſemenne, and Sir Henry Percy meetyng with them at Grendon,The Scots put to flight at Grendon. ſet vpon the Scottes and chaſed them ouer the water of [...]wifell, vnto the foote bat|tayle of the Frenchmenne, who retyring to the riuer of Tweede, paſſed ouer the ſame at Cha|pell Fourde, where they were aſſayled bothe by certayne foote bandes of the garniſon of Ber|wyke, that were come foorth to ayde the Earle, and alſo by the Horſemenne, ſo as diuers were drowned in the ryuer before they coulde gette ouer, but after they were once got to the further ſide, they put themſelues in order of battayle a|gaine, and retired in a ſquadrone very ſtrongly, ſuſteyning litle or no hurte at all, notwithſtan|ding that the Earle of Northumberland (be|yng then come) and his brother Sir Henry Percy,The good or|der of the Frenchmen in their retire. with the reſte of the Capitaynes and Gentlemen of the countrey, purſued them ouer the water for the ſpace of twoo myles, ſkirmiſh|ing with them ſtill as they marched away, but coulde do them no harme, bycauſe they kepte themſelues in ſo good order, & the Engliſh foote|men were not able to reache them. Wherevpon the Engliſh horſemenne ſuffryng the French|men to departe, left them, and paſſing into the countrey, brente Long Ednam,Long Ednam brent. and diuers other Hamlettes and Villages, and ſo retur|ned.

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