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Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was alſo a perpetuall bande of league concluded betwixte Fraunce and Scotlande, and greate preparation made for the mariage, whiche was ſolemniſed in Paris with greate triumphe and aſſiſtaunce of all the Cardinals, Dukes, Earles, Barons, Lordes, and Biſhops of the realme in the Churche of Noſtre dame, the xxiiij. of Aprill in that preſent yeare, 1558.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now to leaue this triumphant Mari|age, and the Scottiſhe Lordes Ambaſſadours there in Fraunce for a tyme, we will returne to ſhewe what happened betwixt the Scottes and Engliſhmen at home where the warres were purſued to the loſſe or litle gayne of both partes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About Whitſontyde ſir Henry Percy with diuers bandes of the countrey garniſons, and ſir George Bowes then Marſhall of Berwike, with ſundry bandes of the garniſon of that towne paſſed forth into Scotland,A roade into Scotland: they beyng in all aboute a .vij. or .viij. hundred horſemen, & two thouſand footemen.Duns and Langton brẽ [...] They brent the townes of Duns and Langton, & hauing got togither a great number of cattell returned homewardes. EEBO page image 485 The Scots that lay in [...]elſ [...] and other places keeping their quarterrage on the bordures, (for the realme as ye haue heard was quartered, eue|ry parte keepyng theyr turne as the maner is) aſſembled togither to the number of two thou|ſande horſmen or fewe leſſe, and three bandes of footemen, haſting foorth to defende the coun|trey. And perceyuing where the Engliſhmen were, followed and coaſted them as they re|turned with theyr bootie, till they came to Swinton, where they ouertooke them, and ſkir|miſhed with them ſharpely as they were paſſing through the towne.

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