Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After this, Sir Andrewe Car and diuers other entred Englande with a power of men a|bout Martilmas, but the Earle of Northum|berlande beyng then Lieutenant of the North partes of Englande, and lying on the bordures aſſembled his forces togither, and commyng to encounter the Scottes on the very bordure ſide neare to Cheuiot,The Scottes diſcomfited by the erle of Northumber|land. at the firſt the Engliſhmenne were put to the wurſe, but yet at length the Scottes were ouerthrowen, and chaſed ſir An|drew Car and many other beyng taken pryſo|ners.Sir Iohn For|ſter. Sir Iohn Forſter bare himſelf very va|liantly at this encoũtre, ſo that his ſeruice might not well haue bene ſpared. He was thruſt tho|row the mouth into the necke, and alſo through the thigh. Moreouer his horſe was ſlayne vn|der him. The conflict was ſharpe, for both the horſemen and footemen came to make proufe of theyr forces.Quarterrage kept by the Scots for de|fence of theyr bordures. The warre thus being begonne and followed, the Scottes kept theyr quarter|rage, and euery noble man as hee was appoyn|ted, lay on the bordures with a thouſand horſe|men, during his ordinary terme, & on the other ſide the Engliſh bordures were furniſhed with new ſupplies of mẽ of warre, ſo that there were dayly roades and incurſions made by the par|ties, to the greate domage and ſpoyle of the townes & villages ſituate neare to the confines of bothe the realmes.
Compare 1587 edition:
1558. A Parliament
Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was alſo a perpetuall bande of league concluded betwixte Fraunce and Scotlande, and greate preparation made for the mariage, whiche was ſolemniſed in Paris with greate triumphe and aſſiſtaunce of all the Cardinals, Dukes, Earles, Barons, Lordes, and Biſhops of the realme in the Churche of Noſtre dame, the xxiiij. of Aprill in that preſent yeare, 1558.