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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo Mõſieur de Etauges was takẽ in a ſkir|miſh at Broughtie crag, as I haue noted in the EEBO page image 477 Engliſh hiſtory, and about the ſame tyme there landed at Dunbrytaine foure bandes of Soul|diers, Prouancois and Gaſcoignes, bryngyng money with them to pay the Souldiers theyr wages behinde as then for the ſpace of three monethes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sir Iames [...]ord takẽ.Sir Iames Wilforde alſo was taken about the ſame tyme by the Frenchmen in a ſkirmiſhe at Dunbar, as I haue alſo noted in the hiſtory of England.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Not long after Monſieur de Deſſe was ap|pointed by the Queene Dowager, to go vnto Iedworth to preuent that the Engliſhmenne ſhoulde not fortifie there, whereof ſhee ſtoode in ſome doubte.

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