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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Monſieur de Deſſe to ſhew that this variãce had not proceeded ſo farre as the bruyte thereof gaue foorth (for it was rather increaſed ye may be ſure than diminiſhed) vndertooke an enter|priſe in hand to winne the towne of Hadington by a camiſado,The Frenchmẽ giue a cami|ſado to Ha|dington, & are beaten backe. but in what ſorte they miſſed theyr purpoſe, and howe they were well beaten backe, and ſente away by the valiant manhood of the Engliſh capitaynes & ſouldiers thẽ with|in that towne, ye may reade further thereof in the Engliſhe hiſtory. There were ſeuen ſcore, ſome ſay three hundred ſlaine in the baſe court.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vlpian Ful.But now for ſomuche as I haue ſayde no|thing of Broughtie cragge, ſithẽce the Lord go|uernour rayſed his ſiege from thence, ye ſhall vnderſtand,Broughtie crag beſieged by the Erle of Argyle. that (as ſome haue written) ſhortly after the Erle of Arguile came thither with an armie of his Yriſhe Scottes and beſieged it: but when he ſaw that he could not preuaile, he tooke truce with them within for a tyme, and before the ſame was expyred, there came new ſuccours to the Engliſhmen, ſo that the Erle of Arguile (by reaſon his people had remayned there the ful terme of their bounden & ordinary ſeruice) was conſtrained to leaue his ſiege,He rayſeth his ſiege. and ſuffer the En|gliſhmẽ to become Maſters of a litle hill, where afterwardes they buylded a forte, and nowe in the later end of this yeare,The fort buile by the En|gliſhmen at Broughtie crag. they purpoſed alſo to haue fortified Dundee; & to haue kepte the ſame with a garriſon of Souldiers, but hearing that Monſieur de Deſſe with his Frenchmen was cõming thitherwardes,Dundee aban|doned of the Engliſhmen. they auoyded the towne of their owne accorde, hauing firſte ſpoyled the houſes and after ſet them on fire.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Reingraue with two handes of his Al|maignes, and Monſieur de Etauges with his company of horſemen were ſent before, who cõ|ming to Dundee and finding the Engliſhmen gone, encamped there, ſtaying till Monſieur de Deſſe was come that followed at hande with the French footemen.

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