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Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now to the doyngs in Scotlande con|cerning ye warres there, after that ye ſiege of Ha|dington was reyſed by the Engliſhe armie as before ye haue hearde, the Frenchmenne there|vpon retyred themſelfes vnto Muſkelbourgh, and chooſing foorth a plot of grounde for theyr aduãtage,The Frẽchmẽ campe at Muskelburgh kept themſelfes within the ſame, and herewith there came to them a fiftene thouſande Scottiſhmen to aſſiſte them, ſo that when the Engliſhmen came forewardes to aſſayle them, they found them ſo ſtrongly embattayled, that whether their cõmiſſion did not ſo farre extend, or whether they had no likyng of the matche, [...]e more her| [...] England. they forbare to ſet vpon them in that ground of ſo great diſauantage for the aſſaylantes, & ſo re|turned back to Hadington, & after homewards, hauing furniſhed the towne with newe ſupplies of men, munition, and vitayles ſufficient.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Here is to be noted yt the engliſh fleete entring into the Fourth was ready to haue ayded ye ar|my by lande as occaſions might haue bene offe|red,The Lord ad|mirall of En|gland. but the Lord Admirall perceyuing no like|lyhood of battayle by lande, tooke vpon him to atchieue ſome other enterpriſes, and firſt com|ming to Brent Yland ſet certaine ſhippes a fire there, of the chiefeſt in the riuer, and ſaluting the towne of Leith as he paſſed by, with Canon ſhotte, he determined to lande ſome of his men on the North ſide of the Fourth, to make ſome ſpoyle within the countrey of Fife.The Laird of Dun. But Iohn Erſkin Land of Dun, as then ſomewhat diſea|ſed and returned home from the campe, cauſed ſuch dayly and nightly watche and warde to be kept, that this enterprice coulde not be ſo ſe|cretely cõueyed by the Engliſhmen, but that the ſame was perceyued, & ſo preuented,The Engliſh men repulſed at S. Meuettes. that vpon theyr landyng they were forced to retyre with loſſe, and happy was he that might firſt get a|gayne to ſhippeborde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Erle of Shrewſbury beyng come backe from Hadington vnto Dunglas, order was gi|uen for the buylding of a forte there, as in the Engliſh hiſtory further may appeare, and in the meane tyme Monſieur de Deſſe remayning in campe at Muſkelbourgh, hearing that the En|gliſh armie was remoued homewardes, & how diuers newe bandes of horſemen and footemen, beyng lefte in Hadington were ready to come foorth to ſkirmiſh abroade vpon ſight of the eni|my, he tooke aduiſe to trie if he might drawe thẽ forth to their loſſe, and thervpon was Monſieur Dandelot & the Reingraue appoynted to choſe foorth a thouſande of their luſtieſt footemen, the whiche with three hundred horſemen were con|ueyed and layde cloſely in ambuſhe, behinde a litle hill not farre from the towne. This done, a few horſemẽ were ſent forth to draw the En|gliſhmen out of the towne to ſkirmiſh with thẽ. The Engliſhmẽ wer no ſooner aduiſed that the enimies were there at hand in the field, but that all their horſemen iſſued out of the towne d [...]c [...]e with certayne footemen, and ſtreight had the Frenchmen in chaſe, who retyring, mainteyned the ſkirmiſh, of purpoſe to make the Engliſhmẽ more earneſt to come forewarde: but immedi|atly as Mõſieur de Deſſe ſaw his time, he gaue ſigne by ſounde of Trumpet to the footemen to breake foorth, who togither with the horſemen gaue ſo fierce an onſet vpon the enimies,The Engliſh mẽ put to the worſe at a ſkirmiſh neare to Hadington. that they were incontinently diſcomfited, and ſtryng toward the towne, were followed by the French euen harde to the Walles, diuers were ſlayne, and aboue an hundred taken pryſoners.

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