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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Somerſet by aduice of the reſidue of the counſell in England, mynding to bridle the Scottes that refuſed to come in and ſubmit themſelues to the King of Englande,Forts built. tooke order for the building of one Forte at Lawder, and an other at Hadington, as in the Engliſhe hiſtorie it may appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And further it was appoynted alſo,1548 that a|bout the ende of February, the Earle of Len|nox and the Lorde Wharton with ſeauen hun|dred Engliſhe horſemenne, beſyde the aſſured Scottes Horſemenne, and aboute a foure or fyue thouſande Engliſhe footemenne, ſhoulde by the Weſt bordures inuade Scotlande:The Earle of Lennox and the L. What|ton inuade Scotland. they accordyng to theyr commiſſion ſette forward, and the fyrſte nyghte came to Lochmaben, and there lodged.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The nexte daye they marched to Dunfreis, and whyleſt they remayned there, the Earle of Angus beeyng come to Drumlanrig, by meſ|ſengers entred ſome talke wyth hys ſonne in lawe the Earle of Lennox: but fyth it was per|ceyued that thys was done,The diſsimu|lation of the Earle of An|gus. rather to entrappe the Earle of Lennox, or at the leaſtwiſe to driue tyme, vppon conſultation hadde wyth the Maiſter of Maxwell, the Larde of Cloeſborne, and others the Gentlemen aſſured of Nideſ|dale and Annandale, it was concluded, that the Townes of Morton, Duſdere, and o|thers, neere adioyning togyther in thoſe parties, ſhoulde bee brente, to the ende, that the Earle of Angus myghte ſo bee drawen to the fielde, and caughte by ſome one meane or other.

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