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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Somerſet hauing remayned at Leith an right dayes, and demaunding the Caſtell of Edenburgh,The Engliſhe [...] [...]etur| [...] [...]ome| [...]. could not obteyne it, de|parted from thence the eyghtenth of December homewardes the nexte way, ouer the Moun|taynes of Soutrey, comming the thirde day be|fore the Caſtell of Hume, where they dyd ſo muche by countenancing to win that fortreſſe, that within three or foure dayes after their cõ|ming thither, it was ſurrendred.Hume Caſtell rendred to the Engliſhmen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Caſtell beeing wonne, and a garniſon left therein to keepe it, they remoued to Rockeſ|burgh, where within the compaſſe of the rui|nous walles of an olde Caſtell they builte a forte, and after returning into England, lefte a conuenient garniſon to keepe it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They gote alſo about the ſame time a ſtrõg fortneſſe, called Faſt Caſtell,Faſt Caſtell wonne by them. ſtanding neere to the Sea ſyde, and placed a garniſon within it.

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