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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, the Earle of Bodwell, whome the Gouernour had before kepte in priſon, and was the night after the battayle ſet at libertie, repayred to the Duke of Somerſet with diuers other Lords and Gentlemen of Louthian, whi|leſt he lay at Lieth, offering themſelues to be at the King of Englands commaundement, and ſo were aſſured from receyuing hurte or do|mage by the Engliſh power.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Somerſet hauing remayned at Leith an right dayes, and demaunding the Caſtell of Edenburgh,The Engliſhe [...] [...]etur| [...] [...]ome| [...]. could not obteyne it, de|parted from thence the eyghtenth of December homewardes the nexte way, ouer the Moun|taynes of Soutrey, comming the thirde day be|fore the Caſtell of Hume, where they dyd ſo muche by countenancing to win that fortreſſe, that within three or foure dayes after their cõ|ming thither, it was ſurrendred.Hume Caſtell rendred to the Engliſhmen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Caſtell beeing wonne, and a garniſon left therein to keepe it, they remoued to Rockeſ|burgh, where within the compaſſe of the rui|nous walles of an olde Caſtell they builte a forte, and after returning into England, lefte a conuenient garniſon to keepe it.

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