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Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 EEBO page image 467The defendants perceiuing themſelues thus beſieged on all ſides and not able long to holde out, put forth a token vpon a ſpeares poynt, to ſignifie that they deſired parlee, whiche was graunted, and certaine of them comming forth, were admitted to talke with the Gouernoure, the Queene, and the Prior of Capoa. They of|fered to render the Caſtell, ſo they mighte de|part, and haue their liues ſaued with bagge and baggage,The Caſtell of [...] An| [...] yelded. but this would not bee graunted, the Gouernour vtterly refuſing it, at lẽgth he was cõtented to pardon thẽ of their liues, if the french King ſhould thinke it good, elſe to ſtande to hys pleaſure. The ſpoyle of the Caſtell was giuen to the Frenchmen, who vpon the ſurrender en|tring the ſame, lefte nothing behinde them that might ſerue them to any vſe in taking it away. All the principall men within it were led to the Galleys, and conueyd away into France priſo|ners at the Frenche kings diſcretion. Diuers of them were committed to ſundry priſons on the coaſt of Britaine, and others were appoynted to rowe in ye Galleis till ye yeare .1550. in which the priſoners were ſet at libertie, and the others that were in the Galleis were redeemed by their friends for certayne ſummes of money.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus was the Caſtell of Sainte Andrewes rendred the nine and twentith of Iuly, foure|teene dayes after the arriuall there of the Prior of Capoa, [...]e Friar of [...] whereby his greate valiancie, well knowen afore that time, was ſo renued, as hys prayſe for his ſpeedie diſpatch and good ſucceſſe therein was much aduanced.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 Shortly after the Duke of Somerſet, heere|tofore in this Booke named Earle of Hertfort. Vncle by the mother vnto the yong Kyng of England, and admitted gouernour of his per|ſon,The Duke of Somerſet pro| [...] of Eng|lande. and protector of all his Realmes, domini|ons, and ſubiects, minding the aduancement of the yong King his nephew, thought good wyth all ſpeede to procure the conſummation of the marriage, betwixte him, and the yong Queene of Scottes, but perceyuing that the ſame could not be brought to paſſe withoute force, hee ſee|med loth to let paſſe the oportunitie of time thẽ offered (as hee tooke it) to ſerue his purpoſe: and therevpon by aduiſe of counſell le [...]ied an army with all expedition, & came to Berwike, aboute the later ende of Auguſt, and in the beginning of September entred Scotlande with the ſame armye, [...]eemeth [...] with [...]ye. conteyning a ſeauenteene or eyghteene thouſande men, whiche was deuided into three principall wardes, a vantgard led by the vali|ant Earle of Warwike, the battayle by the D. of Somerſet himſelfe, and the rerewarde by the Lord Dacres of the North. [...] order of Engliſhe [...]. There were cer|taine wings and troupes of men of armes di|milances, and light Horſemen, and alſo of Har|quebuſiers, that attended vpon theſe .iij. wards, garded with diuers peeces of great artillery: the lord Grey of Wiltõ high marſhall of the army, had the generall conductiõ of the men of armes and demilances. Sir Frauncis Brian, lieute|naunt of the light horſemen, with .viij. C. of them was appoynted to the vantgarde, Syr Peter Mewtas captaine of .v. C. Hagbutters, and ſir Frauncis Fleming, maiſter of the ordi|naunce with a. M. light horſmen were appoin|ted to the battaile, and ſir Richarde Manners, with .vi. C. light horſemen attended vpon the rerewarde. In this order marchyng throughe the Mers, and Louthian, they came at lengthe vnto a place called Buckling Brayes, neere to the Fourth ſide,The Engliſhe fleete. in which riuer ye Engliſh fleete was arriued, and laye before the Towne of Leith, but now by order giuen came backe from thence, and lay neerer to the army. The gouer|nour of Scotland aduertiſed of the comming of this army of Englande thus to inuade Scot|land,The Gouer|nour raiſeth an armye. with al diligẽce ſent abrode ſolemne ſum|monance for the leuying of a newe army forth of all partes of the Realme, the which being aſ|ſembled togither, hee encamped therewith neere to Muſkelburgh water, within leſſe than two miles of ye place where the Engliſh army came now to encamp.

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