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Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The .xvj. of September about three or foure hundred Scottes and Frenchmen, attempted to enter into England on the eaſt bordures,French me [...] and Scot [...] [...]|uerthrowen but the Engliſhmen perceyuing where they were aboute to paſſe by a certayne ſtreyt, they ſet vpõ them with their Archers, diſcomfited them, ſley|ing, and taking to the number of ſeuen ſcore of them. Amongſt other that were taken, one of the Sonnes to the Lord Hume, with a French ca|pitayne, and George Elphinſton Archer of the corps to the French king, were accompted [...]f. Alſo on the Weſt bordures Robert Maxwell eldeſt ſonne to the Lord Maxwels,The Lorde Maxwelles ſonne taken pryſoner. was taken in a roade made by him & others into the En|gliſh confines on that ſide, although at an other time certaine Engliſhmen making a roade in|to Scotlande were diſtreſſed, the more parte of them beyng taken or ſlayne. At a Parliamẽt holden at Linluchque, begonne there the .xxviij. of September, and continued til the firſt of Oc|tober, Matthew Erle of Lennox, and Thomas biſhop of [...] were forfalted, & al their lãds and goodes giuen away and annexed to the Crowne. In this meane time the king of En|gland deſirous to haue the ſeruice of the Iles of Scotland for ſundry great cauſes and reſpects, moued the Erle Lẽnox to deale with them to ye ende, whiche hee did, and his trauell tooke ſuche effect, that the Iland men were cõtented to reſt at the king of Englande his deuotion,The Erle of Lennox p [...]|cureth the [...] of the Iles ſerue the king of England. partely for that they were in a maner ſworne enimies to the Erle of Argyle and his family, and part|ly for that they doubted the king of Englands puyſſance if he ſhoulde attempt to inuade thoſe EEBO page image 465 parties: and againe, bearing an olde ſpeciall fa|uor to the Earle of Lennox and his houſe, ha|uing an auntient bonde of alliance and amitie with the ſame, they were the more ready to ſa|tiſfie his motion. [...] lorde of [...]les ele| [...], being [...] of the Ma| [...]es. Herevpon, they elected amõgſt them a Lorde of the Iſles, nexte of the bloud, a title long ſithence righte odious to the ſtate of Scotland, and by the inducement of the Earle of Lennox, hee was contented as the Kyng of Englands pentioner, to receyue two thouſand Crownes of him yeerely, with certayne riche apparel of cloth of golde and ſiluer from the ſaid Earle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The firſt proofe he attempted to ſhew of hys ſeruice in the King of Englands behalfe, was this, hauing inſtructions thereto from the Erle of Lennox, vnder colour of a conference, for matters touching the eſtate of the Countrey, he had ſuborned one of his aliance and ſeruantes, called ye Clane Reignald, [...] Rey [...] ſlayeth [...] Lorde [...]. to entrappe the Erles of Arguile and Huntley, and although they eſ|caped very narrowly, the Lord Louet an aun|tient Baron, and greate friende to thoſe two Earles, was ſlayne by the ſayd Clane, togyther with ſeauen hundred of his kinſmen and friẽds, in ſo muche, that there remayned not but one yong boy of that lignage to ſucceede in that Lords lands.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 After this, the L. of the Iles with ſixe M. mẽ embarqued in certayne veſſels, paſſed ouer into Carrike,The Lord of [...] Iſles in| [...] Carike. harried and brent the lands of the Erle of Caſſels, then a great enimie to the Kyng of England. In this voyage he got great ſpoiles, and flew many of the enimies: after which en|terpriſe ſo atchieued, he came with his power by Sea, [...] commeth [...] Ireland. and landed in Irelande, where the Earles of Lennox and Ormonde were, with twelue hundred Iriſhmenne, appoynted to ioyne with him, that with their whole power they myghte inuade the Earle of Argulles Countreys, and conſequently the mayne lande of Scotlande at the brode ſyde. But before the preparation could be made ready for that iourney, the newe Lord of the Iles deceaſſed, [...] departeth [...] [...]e. whoſe buriall in Irelande to honor the Earle of Lennox, ſtoode the Kyng of England in foure hundred pounds ſterling. But now to returne vnto ye doings on the bor|dures betwixt England and Scotland in thys ſeaſon. Ye ſhall vnderſtand, that after the army of Scotland was broken vp, the Earle of Hert|ford by vertue of his cõmiſſion reyſed an army in the Countreys of the further ſide of Trente Northwardes, ſo that when the ſame was aſ|ſembled togither with ſuch ſtraungers as were then in the Kynges wages, [...] eightee M. [...] ſay. they were in all of Horſemenne and footemen twelue thouſande fighting men. With thys army garded with great ſtore of artillerie, munition, and all man|ner of furniture neceſſary,The Earle of Hereford in|uadeth Scot|lande. the Earle of Hertford entred Scotlande, and m [...]hing to Colding|ham, paſt vp by the water of Tweed, and brent a great part of the Mers and Tiuidale, the Ab|beys of Kelſey, Meltos, Duborne, and Ied|worth, with Townes and Villages, to the nũ|ber of fiue ſcore, but yet he entred not farre with|in the countrey beyond the ſaid water, but kept alongſt neere to the ſame, & returned back with|out any encounter: for after the Scottiſh armye was broken vp, it was not like they woulde aſ|ſemble agayne, and ſo the Earle of Hereford ta|king the time that ſerued hys purpoſe, ſore en|domaged the Scottiſh bordures at that preſent. Many other ſmal inuaſions were made, as wel by the one parte as the other, and ſome ſkirmi|ſhes fell out betwixt them, ſometime to the loſſe of the Scottiſhe, and ſometime of the Engliſhe, according to the courſe of warre. In the Lent ſeaſon the Cardinall of S. Andrewes cauſedial the Biſhoppes and Prelates of the Realme to aſſemble at the towne of S. Andrewes, where a learned man, named M. George Wiſchart, that had bin in the Schooles of Germany, was accuſed of Hereſie, which he had (as was alled|ged againſt him) publiquely preached and pri|uately taught in Dundee, Breehin, and dyuers other parts of Scotlãd, ſince hys returne home. This matter was ſo vrged againſt him,George Wiſ|hart a learned man brent. that he was conuict, and brente there in the Towne of Saint Andrewes during the time of that con|uention and aſſembly.

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