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Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 To conclude, after the Erle of Lennox and his company had atchieued theſe enterpriers a|fore mencioned, he returned towards England, and ſente ſir Peter Mewtas knight,Sir Peter Mewtas. and Tho|mas Biſhoppe a Scottiſh gentleman, to aduer|tiſe the King of Englande of his proceedings, who found him at the ſiege of Bulloigne, where they declared to him the whole circumſtance of euery thing as the ſame had paſſed in the Erles iourney, which the king tooke in very good part. And vpon his returne into England, after the cõqueſt of Bullongne, the Erle of Lennox was alſo called home to the Courte by letters to him directed, he beyng then at Bryſtow. About the middeſt of February,


Sir Rau [...]e E|vers inuadeth Scotland.

Syr Rauf Evre com|monly called Evers, Lorde warden of the En|gliſhe middeſt Marches, entred Scotland with a power of foure thouſand Engliſhmen, Iriſh|men, and aſſured Scottes, and comming firſte vnto Iedworth, lodged there that night, and therewithall vnderſtanding that the gouernour and the Erle of Angus were at the Abbey of Melcos, aboute an eight myles diſtaunt from thence, the nexte mornyng he was gotte forth ſo early, that he was almoſte vpon the enimies in ſuche wiſe on the ſudden, that they fledde out of theyr lodgings, and lefte their beddes and all theyr houſeholde furniture which they had there with them, not hauing time to conuey it away at theyr departure, their warning was ſo ſhort. Syr Rauf Evre at his comming thyther fin|ding them [...]edde and gone,He defaceth the Monu|ments of the Dowglaſſes. ſpoyled the towne and Abbey, vtterly defacing the Tumbes and Monumentes of the Erles of Dowglas, great|ly to the diſpleaſure of the Erle of Angus, and thoſe of his linage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Gouernour and the ſayde Erle ſort a|greeued to be thus foyled at the Engliſhmens handes, aſſembled togither all ſuche forces as they might recouer, ſo that they had quickly got vnto them aboue fiftene hundred menne, wher|of eight hundreth at the leaſt were Gentlemen, and hearyng that the Engliſh men were rety|ring towardes Iedworth, they mette them at a place called Pannyer Hugh, where bothe the parties alighting on foote, ment to trie the qua|rell by playne force of hande, but as they were ready to ioyne, the aſſured Scots to the num|ber of ſeuen or eight hundred reuolted vnto the parte of their countrey men, by reaſon whereof after a right ſharpe and fierce conflict the En|gliſhe menne in the ende were conſtreyned to fire, whome the Scottes right egrely purſewed,Sir Raufe E|vre and others ſlayne. ſlewe Sir Raufe Evre, the Lorde Ogle, Sir Bryan Layton, and other Gentlemenne and EEBO page image 464 Souldiers to the number of eight hũdreth, they tooke alſo about a two thouſand priſoners, with certayne pieces of Artillery and other munition. This victory fell to the Scottes the xvij. of Fe|bruary, the report whereof was right diſpleaſant to the Engliſh nation, but ſpecially the loſſe of that worthy Gentleman ſir Rauf Evre, was greatly bemoned, and that euen of the King him ſelfe, for the noble prowes and great loyaltie whiche at all times had bene founde in him. His ſeruice had ben ſuch in theſe warres againſt Scotland,His ſeruice a|gaynſt the Scottes. that he had brought the more parte of all the Scottes within xx. miles ſpace of the Engliſh borders, vnto the obeyſance of the king of England, although at length they holpe to worke his confuſion as before you haue hearde: and here I haue thought (good although out of place) to ſay ſomewhat further in the dew com|mendation of this noble Gentleman.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 His ſeruice in the rebellion tyme.In time of the great rebellion in the North partes, whiche chaunced in the xxvij. yeere of King Henry the eight, when many other the Noblemen and Gentlemen of thoſe parties had conſpired togither with the commons by leuy|ing warre to reſiſt the Kings proceedings, this Sir Raufe Evre beyng then within Scarbor|rough Caſtel,He is beſieged in Scarbor|rough Caſtell. accõpaned onely with his friends, ſeruants and tenants, whiche of very good will were contented to ſerue vnder him, was beſie|ged in the ſame Caſtell, and kept from all reliefe & ſuccours that might come or be brought vnto him from any parte, during the terme of ſixe weekes or there about, ſo that for the ſpace of xx. dayes after theyr prouiſion was ſpent, they li|ued onely with bread and water, hauing little or no other ſuſtenance, whiche extremitie not withſtanding, he kept the fortreſſe in ſafetie to the Kings vſe vnto the ende of that dangerous rebellion, and then to his high prayſe and com|mendation deliuered it like a faithful Gentlemã into the Kings hands. This I ſhould haue ſet downe in place where mencion is made of that rebellion, but the note came not to my hand till that parte of the booke was paſte the preſſe, and ſo rather here than not at all, I haue thought good to imparte it to the Reader. But now to returne to the purpoſe for the doings in Scot|lande. About the ſame time that the victory be|fore mencioned chanced to the Scottes, Robert Carncorfe biſhop of Roſſe departed this life,Death of By|ſhops. to whome ſucceeded Dauid Pantane, Secretary to the gouernour an Priour of S. Mary Ile.

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