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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer kyng Henry beyng now vpon his iourney towards Bullongne, aſwell for the an|noyance of his highneſſe enimies in Scotland, as for recouerie of the ſayde Erles right in that realme,The [...] Len [...]e [...]neth [...]nto [...]|land. appointed the ſayd Erle to enter Scot|land in the moneth of Auguſt, accõpanied with ſir Riſe Maunffield, ſir Peter Mewtas knights M. Thomas Audley, M. Thomas Brookes, old M. Winter cõp [...]oller of the Kings ſhips, & his ſonne ſir William Winter that now is, & ſundry other Capitaynes, hauing vnder their charge two hundred hakebutters, two hundred Archers with long vowes, and two hũdred ar|med pikes, beſide the Mariners belongyng to thoſe ſhippes, that were appoynted to goe foorth in this iourney, beyng in number aboute xij. or xiiij. ſayle, belonging to Briſtow, and other of the Weſt partes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vpon their arriual on the coaſt of Scotland they brent the I [...]e of Arrane, and raſed the go|uernours Caſtell there to the grounde.The Iſle of Bute taken And af|terwards arriuing at the Iſle of Bute, they en|tred the ſame, and tooke the Caſtell of Roſey ſtanding therein (from whence the Stewardes kings of Scotland had theyr originall) the Ca|pitaine they had away priſoner with them into England. Here alſo they tooke twoo Frenche ſhippes laden with wines, and this done they entred the Firth of Clyde, thinking to find none but their frendes in the Caſtell of Dunbertane: but the truth is, that in this meane time the Erle of Glencarne with ſundry gentlemen being left in that Caſtell, with the Capitayne thereof cal|led Houſon, to keepe it in the name and to the behoufe of the Erle of Lennox, were in his ab|ſence perſwaded through practiſe of the queene Dowager, not onely to renounce theyr promi|ſed faith to him, in defrauding him of that Ca|ſtell, but alſo to entrappe and winde him with|in their daunger to take him pryſoner.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 For whiche purpoſe they ſo diſſembled the matter, that they had gotte him a lande onely with three hundred menne,The Erle of Lennox in daunger to betrayed an [...] taken. and ſo farre foorth they were growen in talke, that the Erle of Len|nox beyng entred into the Caſtell with a fewe other with him, the money was layde downe on the boorde, to be payde to the Capitayne for his ſatiſfaction.

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