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The Engliſh army hauing brente Eden|burgh and harried the countrey aboute, depar|ted from Leith (whiche towne they alſo brent) and drew homewardes, brenning and ſpoyling ſundry Caſtelles, Piles, Villages, & Townes in their way. Alſo where the Lorde Maxwell came in to the Erle of Hertforde, for his double dealyng hee was ſtayed and brought into En|glande. Shortly after the returne of the En|gliſh armie the Gouernour, and the Lord Boyd came with an army to beſiege the Caſtell of Glaſquo, which ye Erle of Lennox had lately a|gaine recouered. The Erle of Glencarne, and other of the Erle of Lennox his friendes, being at that preſent within Glaſquo, iſſued foorth, & vpon Glaſquo Moore gaue the Gouernour bat|tayle, in the whiche the Larde of Campſketh mayſter of the houſholde to the Gouernour, and vij.The battayle of Glaſquo wonne by the Gouernour. ſcore others, of the ſurname of the Hamiltõs loſte their lyues, but the victory yet remayned vpõ the Gouernours ſide, Andrew Coningham ſonne to the Erle of Glencarne, & Iames Co|ningham, with George Tullough Captaine of the Erle of Lennox his ſhotte, being ſlayne on that parte, beſides others of the meaner ſorte.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortely after this ouerthrow, the Erle of Lennox accompanied with Alexander the ma|ſter of Glencarne, otherwiſe called Lord of Kil|mawſe, Walter Graham brother to the Erle of Montroſe,The Erle of Lennox goeth into England. ſir Iohn Borthwike knight, and ſundry other Gentlemen tooke the ſea to paſſe into England, & arriued at Weſtcheſter aboute Midſomer: paſſing from thence to the Court, he was ioyfully receyued,He marrieth the Lady Mar|garet Dowglas and immediatly there|vpon was the mariage celebrated betwixt him and the Lady Margaret Dowglas daughter & heyre to the Erle of Angus, & to Margaret his wife queene of Scottes, ſiſter to king Henry the eight, at what time there was aſſured to him by way of inheritaunce, Landes to the valewe of xvij. hundreth markes of yearely rent of aſſiſe, in conſideration of this mariage with the Kings neece, & in recompence of landes loſte by him in Fraunce, to the whiche he was inheritour after the deceaſe of Robert Steward Lorde Obenie,Lord Obney. one of the foure Marſhals of Fraunce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer kyng Henry beyng now vpon his iourney towards Bullongne, aſwell for the an|noyance of his highneſſe enimies in Scotland, as for recouerie of the ſayde Erles right in that realme,The [...] Len [...]e [...]neth [...]nto [...]|land. appointed the ſayd Erle to enter Scot|land in the moneth of Auguſt, accõpanied with ſir Riſe Maunffield, ſir Peter Mewtas knights M. Thomas Audley, M. Thomas Brookes, old M. Winter cõp [...]oller of the Kings ſhips, & his ſonne ſir William Winter that now is, & ſundry other Capitaynes, hauing vnder their charge two hundred hakebutters, two hundred Archers with long vowes, and two hũdred ar|med pikes, beſide the Mariners belongyng to thoſe ſhippes, that were appoynted to goe foorth in this iourney, beyng in number aboute xij. or xiiij. ſayle, belonging to Briſtow, and other of the Weſt partes.

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