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Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 How ſoeuer it was with them, the Erle of Lennox by the aduiſe of his friendes, ſent the Erle of Glencarne, & a Gentlemã called Tho|mas Biſhop, vnto the king of Englande with offer of his ſeruice, and requeſt to haue in ma|nage the Lady Margarete Dowglas daugh|ter to the Erle of Angus, and neece to the ſayde Kyng. They that were ſente ſo ſolicited the Erles cauſe, that in the ende the King beyng perſwaded that Leuenox ought of right to haue the gouernement of the realme of Scotlande, and to be ſeconde perſon in the ſame, and here|with in conſideration how vniuſtly not onely his Maieſtie had bene dealt with, but alſo how vnthankefully and diſcourteouſly Lennox had bene vſed both at the handes of the French king and alſo of his adherentes in Scotland, by the Cardinall and others, he bothe thankefully re|ceyued his gentle offer of ſeruice,The kyng of [...]d mea| [...] to ayde [...]e Erle of [...]ox. and alſo pro|miſed to ayde him in his Title and all other lawfull cauſes: and herewith prepared an ar|my to paſſe into Scotlande by ſea, appoynting the Erle of Hertforde, and the Lorde Liſle to haue the conduction of the ſame, who ſhippyng at Tynmouth with theyr people, arriued in the Forth vnder Werdie Caſtell,The Engliſhe [...] landeth [...]lieth. a myle and a half aboue Leith the thirde of May, the whole nauie conteyning aboue the number of twoo hundred ſhippes. Here at Newhauen a quarter of a myle from the ſayde Caſtell they landed theyr armie of tenne thouſande men of warre, with great artillery and all kinde of munition.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Lorde Gouernour beyng at that pre|ſent within the towne of Edenburgh, hearyng of their arriuall wente foorth of the towne ac|companied with the Cardinall, the Erles of Huntley, Argyle, Bothwell and others, pur|poſing to ſtoppe theyr landing, but perceyuing the puyſance of the aduerſaries to be ſuche, as they coulde not reſiſt the ſame,The Prouoſt Edenburgh [...] to the [...] of Hert| [...]d. they returned to Edenburgh agayne, and ſente Maiſter Adam Otterburn prouoſt of Edenburgh, and twoo of the Bayliſes to the Erle of Hertforde, to vnder|ſtande the cauſe of his comming, and withall offered, that if there were any iniuries or wrõgs done by any of the Scottes nation, hee woulde appoynt Commiſſioners to talke with ſuche as by him ſhoulde be authorized thereto, for the full anſwearing thereof, and to that effect he woulde gladly receyue them into the towne of Eden|burgh.The Erles an| [...]e. The Erle of Hertford anſweared that he had no commiſſion to talke of any ſuche mater, but rather to take reuenge of the vniuſt dealing and breache of promiſe on thoſe that had falſi|fied their fayth. And therfore minding to burne the towne of Edenburgh as wel as other with|in that realme, hee witted the inhabitantes and all thoſe that were within the ſame to come foorth, and ſubmitte themſelues before him the kings Lieutenant, to ſtand vnto the Kings will and pleaſure, or els he would not fall to proceede in execution thereof. The Prauoſt anſwered that he would rather abyde all extremities than to accompliſhe his requeſt and deſire in that be|halfe, and therevpon returned to the towne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the Gouernour had hearde what an|ſweare was made to the Prouoſt, he cauſed the Caſtell to be furniſhed with all things neceſſa|ry for defence, and departed ſtraight wayes to Striuelyng. The Engliſh army lodging that night in Leith, marched the nexte day towarde Edenburgh, paſſing vp the Caunogate ſtreete to enter at the nether howe, where they founde ſome reſiſtaunce made by Scottes, ſo that di|uers were ſlayne on bothe partes. Towardes night, the Engliſhmen after they had continued long in ſkirmiſhyng that day with the Scot|tiſhmen retyred to Leith. The nexte day the whole army with the great Artillery came for|warde towardes the towne, and breakyng open the Cannogate,Edenburgh entred by force. they entred the towne by the ſame, bryngyng their ordinaunce within ſight of the Caſtell, purpoſing to plante the ſame in battery agaynſt it, but the Capitayne of the ca|ſtell cauſed the Artillery within to ſhoote of at them in ſo great aboundance, and ſo good mea|ſure,See more her|of in Englãd. that they ſlew diuers Engliſhmen and diſ|mounted one of their peeces, ſo that in the ende they were conſtrayned to drawe backe their or|dinaunce and retyred, but yet in the meane time they ſet fire on the towne,Edenburgh brent. and breute the moſte parte of all the houſes in the ſame. They brent alſo the Cannogate ſtreete, and the Abbey of ho|ly roode houſe. The Gouernour at that preſent releaſed out of pryſon the Erle of Angus,Pryſoners ſet at liberty. the Lorde Maxwell, the Maſter of Glencarne, ſir George Dowglas and others.

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