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Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The King of England aduertiſed heereof, as wel thus from the Gouernour, and other the Scottiſh Lords, as alſo from Sir Raufe Sad|ler, his Maieſties Ambaſſadours there,The King of Englandes doubt. doubted greatly leaſt theſe Lordes, in whoſe handes the Queene then was, in reſpect of the fauour whi|che they bare to the Frenche King, ſhould con|uey hir ouer into Fraunce, wherevpon, he reque|ſted the Gouernour, and the other Lordes that fauoured his ſide, ſo to deale, that ſhe might bee ſente into Englande, there to remayne, till the marriage mighte bee conſummate betwixt hir, and his ſonne Prince Edwarde: hauing in the meane time ſuch Lordes of hir Countrey about hir to attende vppon hir, and to ſee to hir bryn|ging vp, as ſhould be thought expedient. To conclude, his Maieſtie not only ſent his prince|ly comfort by way of counſell and good aduice, but alſo according to their deſire (and as by the Duke of Suffolke his highneſſe Lieutenaunte then in the North it was thought expedient.) Thomas Lorde Wharton with twoo thou|ſande menne from the Weſt marches,The Lorde Wharton. The Lorde Euers. and the Lord Evers with other two thouſand from the Eaſt bordures, were appoynted to enter Scot|land, and to ioyne themſelues with the Gouer|nour and hys friendes, to aſſiſt them againſte their aduerſaries, but as they were in a readi|neſſe to marche, through the ſecret labour of the Cardinall, wiſhing the aduauncemente of the Erle of Arrane his kinſman (whom he thought hee ſhoulde well ynough frame to be at his ap|poyntmente) rather than Leuenox that was knowen to be of a greater ſtomacke, the matter was ſo handled, what by the Cardinall and the Erle of Huntley of the one part, and ye Queene Dowager on the other, that the Earle of Ar|rane reuolting from the Kyng of Englande, came in to the Dowager,The Earle of Arrane a faith breaker. and ioyned himſelfe with the Cardinall, and other the Lords of the Frenche faction, by reaſon whereof, they all concluded to maynteyne him in the eſtate of Lorde Gouernour, and not to place Leuenox as their purpoſe was to haue done, if Arrane hadde continued faythfull to the King of En|glande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortlye after,The Corona|tiõ of Queene Mary. the yong Queene was Crowned at Striueling, the Cardinall taking vpon him to order things as hee thought good, appoynting the Gouernour to beare ye Crowne as chiefe perſon, & next in bloud to the Queene, and the Erle of Lennox to beare the ſcepter Af|ter ye Coronatiõ,A Parliament. a Parliamẽt was called and EEBO page image 460 holden at Edenburgh,The Patriarke of Apuleia. at the whiche in preſence of the Patriarche of Apulia the Popes Agent, and of the Frẽch Kings Ambaſſadours, Mon|ſieur la Broſſe, and Monſieur Menage late|ly before come into the realme, the Erle of Ar|rane was newly confirmed gouernour: and for the ſure preſeruation (as they pretended) of the yong Queene,Order for the cuſtody of the Queene. it was agreed by the gouernour and the eſtates, that ſhe ſhoulde remaine with the olde Queene hir mother in Sterlyng Ca|ſtell, during her mynoritie, and certayne rentes of that Seiguiory was aſſigned for the mayn|tenaunce of ſuche trayne as was thought expe|dient to bee attendant aboute hyr: and further the Lordes Leunigſton, Erſkin, and Fie|rning, were apoynted to abide continually with hyr, for the better ſauegarde of hyr perſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus was euery thing ordered as ſeemed to ſtand with the pleaſure of the Cardinall: wher|vpon the Erle of Lennox perceyuyng how vn|curteouſly he was vſed,The Erle of Lennox his diſpleaſure. to haue his aduerſary thus confirmed in aucthoritie by the French|ſide, and himſelfe reiected, he firſte ſente to the Frenche King, infourmyng him throughly of the iniuries to him done, putting him in remem|brance of the promiſes made to him when hee departed from him: alſo the conſtantneſſe of his ſeruice, the haſarde he had put himſelfe in for his ſake, and notwithſtandyng howe hee was yet vnkindely dealte with that through truſte of his promiſed ayde and aſſiſtaunce, he was brought out of credite in his countrey, and ſubiected vnder the commaundement and au|thoritie of his enimie, and wrongfully diſap|poynted of his right, whiche he looked to haue recouered, and to haue bene mainteyned there|in, by his ſupporte.

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