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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer all his charges and expences were borne by the French king during his being with|in the realme of France.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame time alſo was the auncient league and bande of amitie betwixt the two realmes of Scotland and France renued, and the day of the ſolemnization of the mariage appoynted to bee holden the firſt of Ianuarie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time great preparation for the ſame was made, and all the Nobles of Fraunce ſent for to be there at that day.


The mariage ſolemniſed.

On the whiche within the Church of Noſtre dame in the Citie of Paris, the King of Scotlande openly maried the ſayd Ladie Magdalen, in preſence of the king hir father, the king of Nauarre, ſeuen Cardinals, and dyuerſe great Dukes, Marquiſes, Earles, [figure appears here on page 443] Lordes, Barons, Biſhops, and other.

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