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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king com+meth to the borders.In the Moneth of Iune, the King with an armie, went to the borders to ſet order there for better rule to be kept, and to puniſhe ſuch as were knowen to be moſt culpable, & herevpon he cauſed xlviij. of the moſt notable theeues, with theyr Captaine Iohn Armſtrong to bee apprehended, the which being conuict of murther, theft, and treaſon,Theeues hanged. were all hanged on growing trees, to the enſample of others.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was one cruell theefe amongeſt the reſt,A theefe burnt to death. which had burned a houſe with a womã and hir children within it, he was burned to death.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 George Armeſtrong, brother to Iohn, was pardoned, to the ende he ſhoulde appeache the re|ſidue, which he did, ſo that they were apprehen|ded by the Kings commaundement, and puni|ſhed for theyr miſdoyngs according as they had deſerued.

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