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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The blindnes of the Orkney men.The Orkney men held opinion, that their pa|trone S. Magnus was ſeene that day to fighte in the field on their ſide againſt their enimies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 [...] aſſembly [...] Lords.The ſame moneth on the fiftenth day, there was a greate aſſembly of the Lordes in Eden|burgh where the K. himſelfe ſate in iudgement. The Lard of Hinderlãd called Cockeborne, and one Adam Scot of Tuſhlaw, who was named king of theeues, [...] of [...]eues. were accuſed of theft, and of re|ceiuing and mainteining of theeues, ſlaughters, and other crimes, of the which being conuict, they loſt their heads, [...]xecution. which were ſet ouer ye Tolduith of Edenburgh.The Earle of Bothwell conuict. The ſame day, ye Erle of Both|wel was alſo cõuict for mainteining thẽ & theyr crimes, & his life, landes & goodes wer in the kings hands. He was therfore kept in ward within E|denburgh Caſtell,Baniſhed the Realme. and after ſente into Murrey land, and laſtly baniſhed the Realme during the kings dayes. Alſo, the Lord Maxwell, the Lorde Hume, the Lards of Balglueth, Fernyherſt,Other Lords conuict, and put in warde. Pol|lort, Iohnſon, Marke Kar, and other principall men of the borders, were conuict by affiſe, and putte in warde, by reaſon whereof, the borderers kepte better rule euer after during the Kinges raigne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About this ſeaſon,Iohn Scotte faſted fortie dayes, without receyuing any foode. a landed man named Iohn Scotte, that had trauelled abroade in the world, and nowe beeyng returned into Scotland, & by|cauſe it was bruted in other Countreys hee had faſted xl. dayes without either meate or drinke, EEBO page image 441 was for royall thereof put in Dauids Tower in Edenbourgh Caſtell, and diligent watch ſet vp|on him to [...] that hee had no ſuſtenaunce to re|lieue him withall, and ſo kept for fortie dayes, hee faſted all that tyme wythout any kinde of nouriſhment, to the greate woonder of the people.

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