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Compare 1587 edition: 1

Diſorders in a Realm, where ciuill diſcorde reigneth.

The Earle of Caſtels ſlayne.

Al this ſeaſon by reaſon of this diſcord, diuers and ſundrye murthers and heynous ryots were committed in many parts of the Realme, name|ly, the Earle of Caſſels was ſlayne by the She|riffe of Ayre, and greate ſpoyle done on the bor|ders. This yeare, the Kyng by counſell of the Earles of Angus, Arrane, and others, went with right M. men vnto Iedburgh, to ſet ſome order amongſt the borderers, for the keeping of better rule, and ſo on the eight of Iune, the principals of al the ſurnames of the clannes on the borders, came to the King, binding themſelues, and deli|uering pledges for their good demeanours.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The ſeuententh of Iuly, there was a greate aſſembly of the Lordes at Holirood houſe, at what time, there came a ſimple fellowe to looke vpon, ſeruaunte ſometime to the Earle of Len|nox, and in the middes of a greate companye of people in the Abbey cloſe,Sir Iames Ha|milton hurt by a deſperate perſon. ſtrake Sir Iames Ha|milton Knight right deſperately with a ſhorte prage or dagger in the bellie three ſeuerall ſtripes vp to the haft, and yet the ſame Sir Iames dy|ed not of thoſe hurtes. The man beeyng taken, ſtraight wayes confeſſed the deede withoute re|pentance, phy on the feoble hand quilke wald not doe that thing the hart thought, and was deter|minate to doe: & beeyng enquired what he was, and who cauſed him to doe the ſame, he aunſwe|red, that hee was an ſeruant of God, ſent by him to doe that deede: and albeit he was put to great torture and paines daily by ye ſpace of a moneth, yet would hee neuer giue other aunſwer, and ſo he was hanged, and hys head ſet ouer one of the gates of Edenburgh Towne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...], there came out of Ger|many [...], Patrick [...], Abbot of Ferne, brother [...] to the Earle of Arrane, who hadde bin to [...]ler to Martin [...]uther, and other there.

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