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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Queene with ſuch Lords as were with hir there in the armie, for the reuerence they bare to the Kyngs perſon, and fearing the daunger that mighte chaunce vnto them, if they buckled togither in a foughten field, they withdrew thẽ|ſelues to Striueling, and from thence the Queen went into Murrey lãd with ye Erle of Murrey, EEBO page image 438 and there remayned a long time after.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earles of Arrane and Arguile went in|to the Weſte Countrey, and the Biſhoppe of Saint Andrewes to Dunfermeling, and then the Earle of Angus toke vppon him more boldly the gouernement of the King and Realme, and ſent to the Biſhoppe of Saint Androwes (who was chauncellour) for the great ſeale, which was deliuered to them that were ſo ſent for it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The great ſeale deliuered.The nobles of the Realme remaining thus at variance, and deuided amõg themſelues, there was ſmall obedience of lawes and iuſtice, diuers ſlaughters in ſundry parts were committed, great theftes and robberies made by the borderers vpõ the Inland Countries.

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