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Compare 1587 edition: 1 A Parliament ſommoned.There was a Parliament alſo ſommoned to be holden at Edenburgh the third day of Febru|ary nexte enſuing.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King of Englande glad to heare that the Duke of Albany was departed into France, ſent into Scotlande in Ambaſſage one maiſter Iohn Magnus, and Roger Ratclife Eſquier, to declare vnto the Queene and Lordes, that hee would bee content that a truce might be accor|ded betwixte the two Realmes of England and Scotlande nowe that the Duke of Albany was returned into Fraunce, who had bin the onely procurer of the warres: heerevpon, they agreed to take truce to endure for one yeare,A truce taken for one yeare. and in the meane tyme, they appoynted to ſende Ambaſſa|dors into Englande to treate vpon a continuall peace, aliaunce, and amitie to be hadde betwixte both the Realmes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane whyle, the Earle of Angus come into Scotlande, and bycauſe of the diſ|pleaſure whiche the Queene bare him, there en|ſued occaſion of greate diuiſions within the Realme, notwithſtanding the Queene by ad|uice of certaine Lordes, ſente the Lord Gilbert Earle of Caſſels, Robert Cockburne Byſhoppe of Dunkeld, and the Abbot of Camdulkenn [...]th,Ambaſſadors into England. Ambaſſadors into Englande, in the moneth of December, the whiche were receyued at Grene|wiche [figure appears here on page 436] by the King of Englande the toure and twentith of the ſame moneth, where the Byſhop of Dunkeld made an eloquent oration in latine, declaring the cauſe of theyr commyng, the whi|che in effect was for intreatement of peace, loue, and amitie betwixte the two Realmes, and for the more ſure eſtabliſhment thereof, they requi|red that a mariage might be concluded betwixte theyr King and the Ladye Mary, daughter to the King of England.

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