Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 52.1.
RIght excellent,King Henrie his anſwere. right highe and mightye Prince. &c.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 and haue receyued your writing dated at Edenbourgh the .xxvj. day of Iulye by your Heralde Lion this bearer, wherein after re|hearſall and accumulation of manye ſurmyſed iniuries, griefes and daungers done by vs and our ſubiectes to you and your lieges, the ſpecial|ties wherof were ſuperfluous to rehearſe, remem|bring that to them and euery of them in effect rea|ſonable anſwere founded vpõ law and conſcience hath tofore bene made to you & your counſell, ye not only require vs to deſiſt from further inuaſion and vtter deſtruction of your brother and couſin the French king, but alſo certifie vs that you will take parte in defence of the ſayde King, and that thing which ye truſt may rather cauſe vs to deſiſt from purſute of him, with many contriued occa|ſions & communications by you cauſeleſſe ſought and imagined, ſouning to ye breache of ye perpetu|all peace paſſed, concluded, and ſworne betwixt you & vs, of which your imagined quarels cauſe|leſſe deuiſed to breake to vs contrary to your othe promiſed, al honor & kindneſſe, we cannot maruel conſidering the auncient accuſtomed maners of your progenitors, which neuer kept lõger fayth & EEBO page image 430 promiſe then pleaſed them. Howbeit if the loue and dread of God, nighneſſe of bloud, honor of the worlde, lawe, and reaſon had bound you, we ſup|poſe ye woulde neuer haue ſo farre proceeded, ſpe|cially in our abſence. Wherein the Pope and all Princes chriſtened may well note in you, diſho|nourable demeanour, when ye lying in wayte, ſeeke the wayes to doe that in our ſayde abſence, which ye would haue bin wel aduiſed to attempt we being within our Realme and preſent. And for euident approbation hereof we neede none o|ther proues ne witneſſes, but your own writings heretofore to vs ſent, we being within our realm, wherein ye neuer made mention of taking part with our enimie the Frenche King, but paſſed the time with vs till after our departure from our ſayde Realme. And nowe percaſe ye ſuppoſing vs ſo farre from our ſayde Realme to bee deſti|tute of defence agaynſt your inuaſions, haue vt|tered the olde rancour of your mynde, whiche in couert maner ye haue long kept ſecrete. Neuer|theleſſe, we remembring the bryttleneſſe of your promiſe, and ſuſpecting though not wholy be|leeuing ſo much vnſtedfaſtneſſe, thought it right expedient and neceſſarie to put our ſayd realme in a readdreſſe for reſiſting of your ſayd enterpriſes, hauing fyrme truſt in oure Lorde God and the righteouſneſſe of our cauſe with the aſſiſtaunce of our confederates & Alies we ſhall be able to reſyſt the malice of Sciſmatikes and their adherents, be|ing by the generall counſell expreſſely excommu|nicate and interdicted, truſting alſo in time con|uenient to remember our friends, and requite you and our enimies, whiche by ſuch vnnaturall de|meanor haue giuen ſufficient cauſe to the diſhe|riſon of you and your poſteritie for euer from the poſſibilitie that ye thinke to haue to the Realme, which ye now atempt to inuade. And if the ex|ample of the King of Nauarre being excluded from his Realme for aſſyſtaunce gyuen to the Frenche King cannot reſtrayne you from thys vnnaturall dealing, we ſuppoſe ye ſhall haue like aſſyſtaunce of the French King as the King of Nanarre hath nowe: who is a King without a Realme, and ſo the French King peaceably ſuf|fereth him to continue, wherevnto good regarde woulde be taken. And lyke as we heretofore tou|ched in this our wryting, wee neede not to make any further anſwere to the manifolde griefes by you ſurmyſed in your letter: foraſmuch as if any lawe or reaſon coulde haue remoued you from your ſenſuall opinions, ye haue beene many and oftentymes ſufficiently anſwered to the ſame: Except onely to the pretended griefes touching the denying of our ſafeconduct to your Ambaſſa|dour to be laſt ſent vnto vs: wherevnto we make this anſwere, that we had graunted the ſayd ſafe|conduct, and if your Heralde woulde haue taken the ſame with him, like as he hath bin accuſtomed to ſolicite ſafeconducts for marchants and others heretofore, yee might as ſoone haue had that, as any other, for we neuer denied ſafeconduct to any your lieges to come vnto vs and no further to paſſe, but we ſee well lyke as your ſayde Heralde had heretofore made finiſter report contrarye to the truth, ſo hath he done nowe in this caſe, as it is manifeſt and open. Finally, as touching your requiſition to deſiſt from further attempting a|gaynſt our enimie the French king, we know you for no competent Iudge of ſo high aucthoritie to require vs in that behalfe: wherefore (God wyl|ling) we purpoſe with the ayde and aſſyſtaunce of our cõfederates and Alies to proſecute the ſame, and as ye do to vs and our realme, ſo it ſhal be re|membred & acquited hereafter by the helpe of our Lord and our patron S. George. Who right ex|cellent, right high and mightie Prince. &c.
Yeuen vnder our ſignet in our camp before Tyrwin, the xij. day of Auguſt.