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Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare alſo,A great ſhip made. the King cauſed a mightie Shippe to be made, the which was put forth into the road the ſeuenth of Iuly, and the king ſayled himſelfe into the May, an Ilande in the Forth, and was driuen in againe with tempeſt: but the ſame ſhippe was after appoynted forth, and ſent to the Sea with ſundrie valiant Gentlemen in hir to meete with the Hollanders whiche had taken and ſpoyled diuerſe Scottiſh ſhips, and throwne the Marchantes and other that were in the ſame ouer boorde.The Hollan|ders ſhips are taken. For reuenge whereof Androw Bar|ton tooke many ſhippes of the Hollanders and fil|led certaine Pypes with their heades, whiche he ſent vnto the king for a witneſſe how he had ſped.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A ſtarre like a Comet appeared the .x. of Au|guſt,A bright ſtarre appeareth in the Skie. giuing great light in the night ſeaſon lyke to the Sunne beames.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A Frenche man named ſir Anthonie Darcie knight, called afterwarde Le ſire de la Bawtie, Anthonie Darcy. came through Englande into Scotland to ſeeke feates of armes. And comming to the king the xxiiij. of September, the Lorde Hamilton fought with him in armor right valiantly, and ſo as nei|ther of them loſt any peece of honour.

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