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Compare 1587 edition: 1 1501In the yeare nexte enſuing, the Biſhoppe of Glaſgew, the Earle Bothwell, and other noble men of Scotlande, were ſent in Ambaſſade from king Iames vnto the king of Englande, for the perfiting of the foreſayde mariage betwixt King Iames, and the Ladie Margaret, eldeſt daughter to king Henrie, which Earle by letters of procu|racie and Mandate, in the name of his maiſter king Iames, affied and handfaſted the foreſayde Ladie Margaret in all ſolemne wiſe, according to the maner:

This was in the yeare.


which aſſurance and contract thus made, was publiſhed at Paules Croſſe in Lon|don, on the day of the conuerſion of Saint Paule, in reioyſing whereof Te Deum was ſung, and Fiers made, with great feaſting and banketting throughout that Citie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This done, the Ambaſſadors returned into Scotlande, and then afterwardes was great pre|paration made in Englande for the conueying of the ſayde Ladie into Scotlande: and lykewyſe great purueyance there for the receyuing of hir.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The .xvj. of Iune, King Henrie tooke hys iour|ney from Richmont with his daughter the ſayde Lady Margaret, and came to Coliweſton, where his mother the Counteſſe of Richmont then lay. And after he had remayned there certaine dayes in paſtime and great ſolace, he tooke leaue of hys daughter, giuing hir his bleſſing with a fatherly exhortation, and committed the conueyance of hir into Scotland vnto the Earle of Surrey and others.

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