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Compare 1587 edition: 1 This woman, after the deceſſe of hir huſband Iames the ſeconde,Adham Hep|bornes fami|liaritie with the Queene of Scottes, mo|ther to Iames the thirde. liued ſomewhat diſſolutely, procuring Adam Hepborne of Hales a married mã to keepe hir ſuch familiar company, as foun|ded greatly to hir diſhonor, for that ſhe could not within the whole Realme fynde ſome ſingle man amongſt all the nobilitie, with whome ſhe might haue married, and ſo in parte to haue auoyded the greater open ſlander and infamy.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame yeere, Alexander Duke of Albany,Alexander Duke of Al|bany taken on the Sea. and brother [...] King, was taken on the Sea by the [...] in the month of Iune, as hee was [...] from his Graundfather the Duke of [...] Biſhop of Saint Androwes Iames [...], cauſed both the ſayde Duke and alſo the Ship with all the goodes there inbeing, at the time of the taking of it, to bee reſtored, for otherwiſe as hee flatly proteſted, hee woulde not haue kept the truce any longer concluded be|twixt the two Realmes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Duke of Sommerſet, in hope of great fa|uor which he ſhuld finde in England, perſwaded King Henry to paſſe thither,


King Henry returneth into Englande.

and with a greate company of Scottiſhmen he entred Englande, and many of the North parts reſorted vnto him, but at length, at his comming to Exam, ye Lord Montague with a greate power was ready to giue him battell, and there diſcomfited hym and his whole army. The Duke of Sommerſet and [figure appears here on page 399] the Lords Hungerford and Roſſe, were taken & put to death, the Duke at Exham, and the Lords at Newcaſtell. King Henry eſcaped very hardly into Scotland againe, and there remayned a cer|tayne ſpace after, till at length he thought to re|turne into Englande in ſuche ſecrete wiſe, as hee ſhould not haue bin once knowen, till hee mighte haue gote amongſt his friendes, whiche woulde haue ſupported him: but ſuch diligent watch was layde for him all alongſt the bordures,King Henry is [...]ſoned. that hee was eſpyed taken and deliuered to King Ed|ward his aduerſarie, who ſhut him vp in ye To|wer of London till he was at lẽgth therein made away, as in the Hiſtory of England ye may ſee more at large.

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