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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The practiſe of Biſhop Kenedy.He procured alſo diuers other of ye ſame bloud and ſurname, to reuolte from the other confede|rates, and to ſubmitte themſelues vpon promiſe of pardon vnto the Kings mercie, and ſo enfeo|bling the forces of ſuch as were aduerſaries to the King, in the ende, he had them all at his pleaſure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It was thoughte, that for ſo muche as the Dowglaſſes had their lãds lying ſo vpon ye weſt and middle Marches of the Realme (that no mã might beare any rule in thoſe partes,Great power cauſe of ſuſpi| [...]. but onely they them ſelues,) if they had happily ioined with the Engliſhmen, conſidering the greate intelli|gence beſide which they had in all other partes of the Realme, what by kindred and aliaunce, the Realme mighte haue falne into greate perill: for truely it is a daungerous thing (as Iohannes Maior ſaith) for the eſtate of a Realme to haue men of greate power and authoritie, inhabiting on the bordures and vttermoſt partes thereof, for if they chaunce (vpon any occaſion gyuen) to re|nounce their obedience to there naturall Prince and ſupreme gouernours, the preiudice may bee greate and irrecouerable, that oftentimes thereof enſueth, as well appeareth in the Erles of March and other before mentioned in this hiſtory: and likewiſe in Fraunce by the Dukes of Burgun|dy, Brytayne, and Normandy: for till thoſe coũ|treys were incorporate and annexed vnto the Crowne of Fraunce, the Kings of that Realme were oftentimes put to great hinderance through Rebellion by them whome they accompted for their ſubiects.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe to returne where I loſte, after the Dowglaſſes were once diſpatched, and thyngs quieted, King Iames the ſeconde began then to raigne and rule really, not doubting the controle|ment of any other perſon.Lawes ordey|ned. For then he ordeyned lawes for his people as ſeemed beſt to his lyking, commaunding the ſame to be kept vnder greate penalties and forfeytures. And being counſelled chiefly by the Biſhop of S. Androwes, Iames Kenedie that was his vncle, and the Earle of Orkney, hee paſſed through all the partes of hys Realme,A general par|don graunted. graunting a generall pardon of all of|fences paſſed. And ſo hee ruled and gouerned hys ſubiects in greate quietneſſe, and cauſed iuſtice ſo duely to be miniſtred on all ſides, that it was ſaid in his days, how he cauſed the raſhe buſh to keepe the Cowe.

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