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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King lying at the ſeege of Abircorne loſt diuers of hys men, beſydes many that were wounded, but yet taking firſte a ſtrong Towre, being one of the chiefeſt lymmes of that fortreſſe, ſhortly after he wanne the reſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Dowglas beeing withdrawen (as ye haue heard) into Englãd, within a whyle after gote togither certayne companies of men, and with the ſame returned agayne into Scot|land by the weſt bordures,He inuadeth Scotland. in hope to find friends in thoſe parties: but ſuch as the king had appoin|ted there to defend the countrey, aſſembling them ſelues togither, and ſetting vpon hym, diſcomfi|ted his people,

The Earle of Dowglas diſcomfited. Archebalde Dowglas Earle of Mur|rey ſlayne.

Earle of Or|mond taken. Donald Earle of Roſſe.

ſlewe his brother Archebalde, and tooke the Earle of Ormont priſoner, being firſte ſore wounded. The Baron of Baluay eſcaped into a Wood and ſo gote away. The Earle him|ſelf alſo as Hector Boetius hath, eſcaped by flight and gote him vnto Dunſtafage, where finding Donalde Earle of Roſſe and Lord of the Iſles, he procured him (beeing of nature enclined and ready ynough to followe ſuch counſell) to make warre in his fauoure againſte the King. And af|ter hee hadde once ſet hym a worke, he gote hym backe agayne into Englande. Donalde waſted not only the Kings poſſeſſions that lay neere to Dunſtafage, but alſo paſſing through Argile, dyd muche hurte in all places where hee came. He inuaded alſo the Iſle of Arrane, and chaſed the Biſhoppe of Liſmore, conſtreyning hym to take Sayntuarie. This done, hee entred into Lochquhabir, and ſo into Murray lande, where he brente the towne of Inuernes, and wanne the Caſtell by a guilefull trayne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time, the Earle of Ormont after he was recouered of his hurtes (as the ſayde Boerius writeth) was preſented to the Kyng, and after he had remayned in priſon a certayne tyme,The Earle of Ormont be|headed. hee was at length beheaded. Moreouer, the Counteſſe Beatrice, after ſhe ſawe no hope left that the Earle of Dowglas ſhoulde recouer his former eſtate, came to the King,The Coũteſſe of Dowglas Beatrice, ſub|mitteth hir|ſelfe to the King. and ſubmit|ted hir ſelfe, laying all the blame in the Earle, who had procured hir vnto ſuch vnlawfull mar|riage with him, being hir former huſbandes bro|ther. The king receyued hir right curteouſly, and gaue to hir the Baronie of Baluay, to mayne|tayne therewith hir eſtate. Shortly after alſo,The Coũteſſe of Roſſe. the Counteſſe of Roſſe fledde from hir huſbande, and came to the King for feare of hir huſbands cruel|tie, whereof ſhe had alredy partly taſted. The King, bycauſe hee hadde made the marriage be|twixt hir and hir huſband, aſſigned hir foorth ſuf|ficient reuenewes alſo for the mayntenaunce of hir eſtate.

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