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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hereto by reaſon there had bene ſo many va|liant men and worthie Captaines of the Dow|glaſſes one after another,The loue that the people bare towarde the name of the Dowglaſſes. as it had beene by ſuc|ceſſion, the people and cõmons of Scotland bare ſuch good will and fauour towardes that name, that they were ready to ride or go with thẽ, they cared not whither, nor agaynſt whom.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It is ſayde, that the Earles of Dowglaſſes might haue rayſed .xxx. or .xl. thouſande warlike perſons readie at theyr commaundement, when|ſoeuer it had pleaſed them to call.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In deede the Dowglaſſes had euer the go|uernment of al matters perteyning to the defence of the realme, ſo that the men of warre had them ſtill in all the eſtimation & honor that might be.

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