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Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was a ſecrete murmuring amongeſt a number, that this Erle of Dowglas purpoſed to make a proofe one day to get the garlande beſyde the kings heade.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In deede by reaſon of his kinneſmen and al|lyes, he was of more puiſſaunce in the Realme, than (as it was thought) ſtoode wyth the ſuretie of the Kings eſtate, vnleſſe hee were the more faythfull.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Earles of the ſurname of the Dowglaſſes.He had at the ſame time two brethren that were alſo Earles, as Archymbalde Erle of Mur|rey, and Hugh or (as other haue) George Erle of Ormont,The lynage and great ali|ance of the Dowglaſſes. beſyde the Earle of Angus, and the Erle of Mortoun, that were of his ſurname and bloud, with a great nũber of other lords, knights, and men of great poſſeſſions & liuings, all of the ſame ſurname, and linked in friendſhip & aliance with other the chiefeſt linages of all the realme.

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