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Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were taken priſoners of Engliſh men ſir Iohn Penneynton, and ſir Robert [...]aring|ton knightes, and the Lorde Percie, ſonne to the Earle of Northumberland,The Earle of Northumber|land eſcapeth by flight. who helpe his father to horſebacke, whereby he eſcaped by flight and beſide theſe, a great number of otherwere by the Scottes taken priſoners, whome the ſworde and water had ſpared.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 391The Erle of Ormond hauing got this hono|rable victorie, conueyed the chiefeſt of the priſo|ners to the caſtel of [...] and after pay|red to the court, where he was of the king i [...]ifully receiued, honorably feaſted and highly rewarded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, the Scottes that dwelle [...] the borders, liued for a ſeaſon in better quiet: for al|though the Engliſh men wiſh [...]d to haue bene re|uẽged of this loſſe and ouerthrow of their people, yet by reaſon of ciuil warres that ſhortly after fo|lowed, they were conſtrained to forbeare to make any further warres againſt the Scots, till better occaſion might ſerue. And, for the auoyding of danger that might [...] in time of this inteſtine trouble by ſo maine enimies, they ſued to haue a truce with the Scots,A truce for three yeares betwixt Eng|land and Scot|lande. which for ye t [...]rme of three yeres was granted. In this yeare, William Erle of Dowglas, with a great cõpanie of nobles and gentlemen, as the Lords Hamilton, G [...]ay, Sal|ton,The Earle of Dowglas go|eth into Italy. Seiton, & Oliphãt. Alſo, Calder, Vrquhart, Cambel, Fraſier, and Lauder, knights, went into Italy, & was at Rome in time of ye Iubile which was kept there that yeare. He left behinde him to gouerne his landes in Scotlande, Hugh Earle of Ormõt that was his brother: but in his abſence (through coũſel of ſuch as were about him) the k. ſommoned the Erle to appeare before him with|in .xl. dayes, and bycauſe he came not within that prefixed time, he was put to the horne, & his lands inuaded & ſpoiled. The caſtel of Dowglas bicauſe they that kept it defended themſelues & the place right ſtoutly againſt the king, was [...]azed & bro|ken downe. But Lochmaban being yelded, was furniſhed with a gariſon of the kings friends.

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