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Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Scots herewith ſeeme to be ſo encoura|ged that they ruſhed forward with great egernes vpon the right wing of the Engliſh men, where Magnus ſtood, & ſo laid about them with ſpeares, ares, and ſuch like hand weapons, that with great ſlaughter they driue the Engliſhe men to breake aray and to flee: Magnus herewith being more chaufed than afrayde as ſhould appeare, preaſſed forward vpon Wallace with great violence, and ſeeking to approch vnto him that he might haue wroken his grief vpon him,Magnus is ſlaine. was incloſed among the Scottiſh troupes & ſlaine with a few other of his friends and ſeruants that followed him. The ſlaughter of this man in whom conſiſted no ſmal hope of victorie on the Engliſh part, put the reſi|due of their army in ſuch feare that they were not able lõger to reſiſt the Scottiſh mens violent im|preſſion,The Engliſh men put to flight. but turning their backs fled a main, whõ the Scots purſued in chaſe right fiercely, ſo that many of the Engliſh men died in the battail, but more now in the chaſe, for the [...]ide being come in, [...] ſtayed many of them that made their [...]ourſe to haue eſcaped through ye riuer, wherby diuerſe that ventured into the water were drowned, and other that durſt not take the water were oppreſſed by the Scottes that followed them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There died in this battaile of Engliſh men,The number ſlaine. to the number neare hand of three .M. and amongſt other, Magnus (as before ye haue heard with .xj. other knights of no ſmall account & eſtimation. Of Scots were loſt ſomwhat [...] hundred. [...]741 Priſoners taken.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were taken priſoners of Engliſh men ſir Iohn Penneynton, and ſir Robert [...]aring|ton knightes, and the Lorde Percie, ſonne to the Earle of Northumberland,The Earle of Northumber|land eſcapeth by flight. who helpe his father to horſebacke, whereby he eſcaped by flight and beſide theſe, a great number of otherwere by the Scottes taken priſoners, whome the ſworde and water had ſpared.

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