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Compare 1587 edition: 1 1447In the yeare. 1447. ther was a Parliament holden at Edenbourgh, in the which ſir Alexan|der Leuingſton of Calender late gouernor, Ia|mes Dundas, and Robert Dundas knightes, a [...] the purſuite of the Earle of Dowglas were for|falted and condemned to perpetuall priſon in Dunbrytan, and Iames Leuingſton his eldeſt ſonne, Robert Leuingſton Treaſorer, and Da|uid Leuingſton knights, loſt their heades.

[figure appears here on page 389]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Iames before his execution made a very wiſe o|ration to the ſtanders by,Iames Leuing|ſton made an Oration. declaring the inſtabili|tie of fortune, & chaũge of court, exhorting al per|ſons to beware thereof, ſith enuye euer followed high eſtate, and wicked malice neuer ſuffred good men to gouerne long.W. Creichton condemned. In the ſame Parliament ſir William Creichton was alſo forfalted for di|uerſe cauſes, but principally for that his ſeruants would not deliuer the houſe of Chreichton to the kings heralde, who charged them ſo to do. This forfalture was cõcluded in parliament by vertue of an act which the ſaide William (when he was Chancellor) cauſed to be made, & ſo being the firſt inuenter, was alſo the firſt againſt whom it was practiſed.

Incurſions made.


The yeare next enſuing were ſundris incurſions made betwixt Scots and Engliſhmẽ on the borders, Dunfreis was burnt, and likewiſe Anwike in Englãd: but ſhortly after a truce was concluded for .vij. yeres, great offers of friendſhip made by the Engliſh men for to haue the warres ceaſe on that ſide, bicauſe the warre betwixt thẽ & Fraunce was very hotely purſued, and ciuill diſ|ſention diſquieted the ſtate of Englãd which was rayſed betwixt ye two houſes of Lãcaſter & York.

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