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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Certaine Captaines of the Iles, as Lachlan, Makclayn, and Murdac Gypſon, with a wicked number of the inhabitants of the ſame Iles, ha|ried ſpoyled,Lennox is haried. Iohn Col|quhouen, or Coguhuyn ſlaine. and burnt the countrey of Lennox, and ſlue Iohn Colquhouen laird of Lute vnder aſſurance. They alſo ſlue women and children, without reſpect to age or ſexe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare chaunced a great dearth in Scot|land,A dearth. the like was neuer heard of before, and ſuch a death by peſtilence, that few eſcaped that were taken therwith,Peſtilence. and ſo the Realme was plagued with reif, oppreſſion, dearth, and death of people.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This yeare alſo the gouernour tooke the whole adminiſtration vpõ him, wherwith the Chancel|lor was diſpleaſed, and leauing the king and him in Striueling, repayred to Edenbourgh, where he deuiſed the way how to recouer the king from the gouernor, & ſo one morning toke .xxiiij. men with him, & rode to the parke of Striueling where the king was then hunting,The king went with the Chancellor to Edenbourgh. and the gouernor abſent at Perth, ſo that the Chancellor did ſo much that he perſwaded the king to goe with him to Eden|bourgh. The Chancellor (as Hector Boetius hath) had cauſed the number of foure thouſande horſemen of his ſeruants, tenants, and friends, ſe|cretly to be readie that morning about the towne of Striueling, to reſiſt his aduerſaries if they ſhould haue vſed any force againſt him, and now vnderſtanding of the kings going thus with the Chancellor, they came to him on the way, and at|tẽding him, brought him ſafely and without fur|ther trouble vnto Edenbourgh.

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