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Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 About the ſame time,Alane Steward is ſlaine. or rather ſomewhat be|fore, Alane Steward Lord of Dernlye was ſlain at Palmais thorne, by ſir Thomas Boyd. And in the yeare following, the ſame ſir Thomas was ſlaine by Alexander Steward of Bolmet and his ſonnes, wherethrough there roſe great troubles in the weſt partes of Scotland. William Erle of Dowglas ſent Malcolm Flemming of Cumer|nald, and Alane of Lowder, vnto Charles the ſe|uenth, king of France, to obteyne of him the Du|chie of Towraine, which was giuẽ to Archebald Dowglas at the battaile of Vernoile in Perch, & the laſt Erle, father to this Erle Williã, had en|ioyed the ſame all his life time, wherevpon that ſute was the ſooner obteyned: which made ye yong Earle more inſolent than before.The great port of the Earle of Dowglas. He kept ſuch a port, and vſed to haue ſuch a traine attending vp|pon him, ſpecially when he came to the court, that it might ſeeme he had the king in ſmal regard, for he thought himſelfe ſafe ynoughe in maintey|ning the lyke ſtate and porte, or rather greater than euer hys father at anye tyme had mayn|teyned before hym. Inſomuche as hee woulde ryde with two thouſande horſe, of the whiche number there were diuers errant theeues and rob|bers, that were borne out in their vnlawfull and EEBO page image 387 wicked practiſes by the ſame Erle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Certaine Captaines of the Iles, as Lachlan, Makclayn, and Murdac Gypſon, with a wicked number of the inhabitants of the ſame Iles, ha|ried ſpoyled,Lennox is haried. Iohn Col|quhouen, or Coguhuyn ſlaine. and burnt the countrey of Lennox, and ſlue Iohn Colquhouen laird of Lute vnder aſſurance. They alſo ſlue women and children, without reſpect to age or ſexe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare chaunced a great dearth in Scot|land,A dearth. the like was neuer heard of before, and ſuch a death by peſtilence, that few eſcaped that were taken therwith,Peſtilence. and ſo the Realme was plagued with reif, oppreſſion, dearth, and death of people.

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