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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Erle of Angus being thus aſſociat,

The battayle of Pyperdene [...]ought be|twixt Henrie Percie and the Earle of An|gus.

The Scots get the victorie.

met the Percie at Pyperdene, where a ſore battaile was foughten betwixt them, with great ſlaugh|ter on both ſides, but at length the victorie fell to the Scottes, though there were ſlaine togyther with Alexander Elphynſton two hundred Gen|tlemen and commons of Scotlande: and of the Engliſh part, there dyed Henrie of Clyddeſdale,The number of Engliſh mẽ ſlaine. Iohn Ogyll, and Richarde Percie, with .xv.C. other of Gentlemen and commons, of the which Gentlemen .xl. were knightes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were taken alſo and brought home by the Scottes as priſoners,Priſoners taken. to the number of foure hundred.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly herevpon king Iames rayſed a migh|tie armie, and beſieged the Caſtel of Roxbourgh,Roxbourgh beſieged. [figure appears here on page 383] but when he had almoſte brought his purpoſe ſo neare to paſſe, that thoſe within began to fall to communication for the rendring of the place, the Queene came to the campe in great haſt vnto him, ſignifying that there was a conſpiracie be|gon againſt him, ſo that if he tooke not the better heed, he was in great danger to fal into the hands of thoſe that ſought his life.

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