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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus the houſe of the Dunbars loſt the Erle|dome of March, wherein the ſame had flouriſhed ſo many yeares togither, to the great defence and ſafegarde of the realme of Scotland on that ſide, againſt both ciuill and forraine enimies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Erledome of Buchquhan giuen to George Dun|bar.The king yet moued with ſome pitie toward ſo noble a linage, within ſhort time after gaue the Erledome of Buchquban to the ſaid George, and after the Kings deceaſſe, the Lordes of the Councell thinking the ſame to little, aſſigned forth to him and to his ſonne Patrike, the ſumme of foure hundred markes yearely, to be receyued out of a parcell of his owne auncient inheritance, of the Erledome of March, to enioy the ſame till Iames the ſecond came to full age.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


The death of Alexander Ste|warde Earle of Mar.

In the yeare .1435. Alexander Steward Erle of Mar departed out of this life.

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