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Compare 1587 edition: 1 This matter therefore being proponed before the Counſell, it was concluded that in no wyſe the ſayde league betwixt the Frenche men and Scottes ſhould be diſſolued, and ſo therevpon the Engliſh Ambaſſadors were diſpatched without more talke concerning that matter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the ſame yeare, that is to wit .1433.


George Erle of March areſted and put in warde.

the king cauſed George Dunbar Earle of March, ſonne to that Erle which rebelled agaynſt his fa|ther King Robert the thirde, to be areſted and put in ſafe keeping within the Caſtell of Eden|bourgh.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He ſent alſo the Earle of Angus with his Chauncellor William Creichtoun. and Adam Hepborne of Hales to the Caſtell of Dunbar, de|liuering them letters ſigned with his hande, and directed to the keepers of the ſayde Caſtell, that they ſhould deliuer vp the houſe immediatly vpõ ſight of thoſe his letters vnto the bringers of the ſame. The keepers durſt not diſobey his com|maundement, but ſuffered them to enter accor|ding EEBO page image 382 to theyr commiſſion.

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