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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Abbay of Charturare Monks buyle beſides Perth by K. Iames.About the ſame time was the Abbay of Char|turare Monkes founded beſydes Perth, by king Iames, with great coſt and magnificence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo the Lord Scrope and other aſſociat with him,The Lorde Scrope Am|baſſador into Scotlande. came in Ambaſſade from Henrie the ſixte, king of England.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The effect of whoſe meſſage was, to haue the auncient league betwixt the Scots and French men diſſolued, promiſing that if the Councell of Scotland would conſent thereto,The offer of the Engliſhmẽ to haue the Scots to ioyne with them in league. and ioyne in league with the Engliſhe men, that both the towne and Caſtell of Berwike with all the lands lying betwixt Tweed and the Recroſſe (as the Scots write) ſhoulde be deliuered into the Scot|tiſh mens handes.

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