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Compare 1587 edition: 1 At the next Lammas after, the king rayſed an armie, and came with the ſame to Roxburgh,Roxbourgh beſieged. beſieging the Caſtell for the ſpace of .xv. dayes togyther.

[figure appears here on page 381]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...].He had in this armie (as the report went) the number of two hundred thouſande men, accoun|ting caryage men and all other ſuch as followed the campe: yet notwithſtanding all this huge multitude, hauing waſted his powder and other munition before he coulde doe any great hurt to his enimies, hee was conſtreyned to rayſe hys fielde, and leaue the Caſtell in the Engliſh mens handes as he found it.

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