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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Caſtels repay|red and mu|nited.Moreouer he repayred and fortified the Ca|ſtelles and fortreſſes of his Realme, and ſtuffed them with ſuch ordinance and munition as was thought expedient.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Priuiledges graunted to the vniuerſitie of S. AndrowesHee graunted alſo ſundrie priuiledges and great liberties to the vniuerſitie of Saint An|drowes, to the high aduauncement thereof, and was oftentymes himſelfe preſent at theyr diſ|putations, taking great pleaſure therein.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Suche as were knowne to bee learned men, and were preſented to him by the Vniuerſitie, he preferred to great benefices and other eccleſiaſti|cal lyuings, ſtyll as the ſame chaunced to bee vacant.

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