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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Amongſt the which, and iuſt of all other was William the ſonne of Arche [...]balde Earle of Dowglas, that ſucceeded his father in the Earle|dome of Dowglas.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 His father the ſayde Archymbalde Dowglas EEBO page image 380 ſomewhat before this time, or as other Authors haue,Archymbalde Earle of Dow|glas, arreſted and put in priſon. in the yeare nexte enſuing, was areſted by the Kings commaundement, and put in warde, remayning ſo a long time, till at length by ſup|plication of the Queene and other Peeres of the Realme, the king pardoned him of all offences, and ſet both him and alſo Alexander Erle of Ros at libertie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Iames deſirous to purge his realme of vn|ruly perſons.King Iames in this ſort did what in him lay to bring the Realme of Scotlande in ſuch quiet tranquilitie, that (in purging the ſame of all of|fenders, and ſuche as liued by reife and robbing) paſſengers by the highe wayes might trauaile without dread of anye euill diſpoſed perſons to moleſt them.

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