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Compare 1587 edition: 1 And though ſuch extreeme iuſtice might haue bene thought ſufficient to giue enſample to other to refourme their naughtie vſages,Angus Duffe. yet one An|gus Duffe of Strathem nothing afrayd therof, came with a company of theeues and robbers, and tooke a great pray of goodes out of the coun|treys of Murray and Cathnes: for recouerie whereof, one Angus Murrey followed with a great power, and ouertaking the ſayde Angus Duffe neare to Strachnauern, fiercely aſſayled him. Who with like manhoode made ſloute re|ſiſtance,A cruell fight. by reaſon whereof, there enſued ſuche a cruell fight betwixt the parties, that there remay|ned in the ende but onely .xij. perſons aliue, and thoſe ſo wounded, that they were vneth able to returne home to theyr houſes, and lyued but a few dayes after.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame tyme,Makdonalde Ros, a notable robber. there was alſo another notable theefe named Makdonalde Ros, whiche grew with ſpoyles and robberies to great riches.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This wicked oppreſſor ſhod a poore widowe with horſe ſhoone,He ſhodde a wydow. bycauſe ſhe ſayd ſhe would go to the king, and reueale his wicked doings.

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