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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The reſidue of the Lordes and Barons re|mayning as then in priſon, and abyding the kings pleaſure, were ſore afrayd when they heard what rygorous iuſtice had beene executed on Duke Mordo and his ſonnes: notwithſtanding within a tweluemonth after they were all ſet at libertie, and receyued into the kings fauour, on promiſe of their loyall demeanour and duetifull obedience euer after to be ſhewed during their na|turall lyues.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeare next following, which was af|ter the incarnation. 1427.


Alexander Lorde of the Iles areſted.

Alexander Lorde of the Iles, was areſted by the king at Inuernes, for that he was accuſed to be a ſuccorer & main|teyner of theeues and robbers in the countrey: but foraſmuch as he promiſed in tyme comming to refourme his former miſdemeanors,He is ſet at libertie. he was par|doned and ſet at libertie, whereof enſued greate trouble immediatly after.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 For ſhortly vpon his deliuerance,He rebelleth. he gathe|red a power of wicked ſcapethriftes, and with the ſame comming vnto Inuernes, burnt the towne,The towne of Inuernes burnt. and beſieged the Caſtell, enforcing with all di|ligence to wynne the ſame, tyll he was aduerti|ſed, that the King was comming towardes him with a great power, wherevpon he fledde incon|tinently to the Iles, and finally hauing know|ledge that a great number of people lay dayly in awayte to take him, that they myght preſente him to the Kings handes,Alexander of the Iles com|meth to the king and aſ|keth pardon. he came diſguyſed in poore aray to the holy Rood houſe, and there fyn|ding the King on Eaſter daye deuoutly in the Churche at hys prayers, he fell downe on hys knees before hym, and beſought hym of grace for hys ſake that roſe as that day from death vn|to lyfe.

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