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Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane tyme,A Parliament at Edenburgh. he aduiſedly peruſed all euidences, rolles, and Charters perteyning to the Crowne, and ſhortly therevpon called a Parlia|ment a Edenbourgh, in the which, by aduice of [figure appears here on page 377] the three eſtates,Taxe leuied. a generall taxe was ordeyned and graunted, to be rayſed through the Realme: as .xij. pence of the pounde to be payed of al lands within Scotlande, both ſpirituall and temporall, and foure pence for euery Cowe, Oxe, and horſe, to be payde for the ſpace of two yeares togither.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This payment was leuyed the fyrſt yeare wythout any trouble, but the ſeconde yeare there roſe ſuch murmure and grudging amongeſt the poore commons about the payment thereof,The commõs grudge at payments. that hee remitted the reſidue that was behinde, and tooke neuer any taſke after of hys ſubiectes, tyll hee maryed his daughter wyth the Dolphyn of Fraunce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Amongeſt other bylles put vp in this laſt mencioned Parliament,Bylles of com|playnt exhibi|ted againſt the ſonnes of duke Mordo. there were diuerſe com|playntes exhibited by the people, for ſundrie op|preſſions vſed and done by the ſonnes of Duke Mordo, and other great Peeres of the Realme, before the kings returne into Scotlande.

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