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Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Iames after his coronation returned from Scone to Edenburgh,King Iames keepeth an audite. where he called afore him all thoſe that bare any authoritie in the ad|miniſtration of the common wealth during the time of the gouernours Duke Robert, and Duke Mordo, namely the Chancellour, the Treaſurer, the Clearkes of the Regiſter, the Comptroller, the Auditors, and Receyuers, with all other that had borne offices, or had any thing to do concer|ning the kings rents.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At length, when hee perceyued by theyr ac|compts made, that the moſt part of all the lands, rents, and reuenues perteyning to the Crowne, were waſted, beſtowed, aliened, and tranſported by the two foreſayd gouernors, vnto their friends and fautours, contrary to all right or good con|ſideration (the cuſtomes of Burrowes and good townes onely excepted) hee was not well con|tent herewith, though for the tyme he paſſed ouer his diſpleaſure, in ſhewing outwardly no ſem|blaunce, but as if hee had lyked all things well.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane tyme,A Parliament at Edenburgh. he aduiſedly peruſed all euidences, rolles, and Charters perteyning to the Crowne, and ſhortly therevpon called a Parlia|ment a Edenbourgh, in the which, by aduice of [figure appears here on page 377] the three eſtates,Taxe leuied. a generall taxe was ordeyned and graunted, to be rayſed through the Realme: as .xij. pence of the pounde to be payed of al lands within Scotlande, both ſpirituall and temporall, and foure pence for euery Cowe, Oxe, and horſe, to be payde for the ſpace of two yeares togither.

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