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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Iames.ANd after ye, aſſoone as the ſolem|nitie of ye feaſt of Eaſter was fyniſhed,He is crowned a Scone togy|ther with has vſe. hee came to Perth, and ſhortly af|ter to Scone, where he was crowned king, and his wife Queene, by Duke Mordo the go|uernor, and Henrie Biſhop of S. Androwes, the xxj. day of May, after the incarnation. 1424.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1424There came forth of Englande with thys Iames the fyrſt, diuerſe Engliſhe Gentlemen, which remayning euer after in ſeruice with him, were aduaunced to certaine landes, poſſeſſions, and liuings in Scotlande. Amongſt whome (as one of the chiefeſt) was Androw Gray,Androw Gray. who af|terwardes by the Kings ayde and good furthe|rance, got in maryage the daughter and heyre of Henrie Mortimer of Foulis, named Helen, and by that meanes came the Lordſhip of Foulis vn|to the handes of the Grayes,The ſurname of the Grayes in Scotland. whoſe ſurname and poſteritie continueth yet in Scotlande, inueſted with great landes and dignities, both in Gowry and Angus.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Iames after his coronation returned from Scone to Edenburgh,King Iames keepeth an audite. where he called afore him all thoſe that bare any authoritie in the ad|miniſtration of the common wealth during the time of the gouernours Duke Robert, and Duke Mordo, namely the Chancellour, the Treaſurer, the Clearkes of the Regiſter, the Comptroller, the Auditors, and Receyuers, with all other that had borne offices, or had any thing to do concer|ning the kings rents.

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