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But ſhortly after, at the battell of Vernoill, both the Earle of Buchquhan, the conneſtable of Fraunce,The ſlaugh|ter of Scottes, at the battell of Vernoill. and this Duke of Touraine, with his ſonne the Earle of Wigtoun, and the moſt parte of all their retinewes were ſlayne by the Engliſh puiſſance, as in the French and Engliſh hiſtores more plainely may appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Scottiſh Chronicles declare, that ye loſſe of this fielde, chauunced ſpecially through enuy & diſcorde,Enuy and diſ|corde. which reigned amongſt ye chieftaines.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 For the Duke of Alanſon enuying that the Scots ſhuld dayly riſe in honor within Fraunce, kept himſelfe backe, till time the Scottes were o|uerthrowen and brought to vtter deſtruction.

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