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Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Earle therefore, founde meanes to per|ſwade Archimbald Earle of Dowglas father to the foreſaide Earle of Wigtoun to paſſe with him into Fraunce, whiche two Earles with an army of fiue thouſand mẽ (or after ſome writers tenne thouſand tooke the Seas,The Earle of Buchquhan returneth into Fraunce. and arriued with proſperous winde and weather at Rochell, and comming to the Frenche King, were receyued of him with all ioy and gladneſſe.

The Earle of Dowglas made Duke of Tourayne.The Earle of Dowglas was made inconti|nently Duke of Tourayne, thereby to aduance him in further honor.

But ſhortly after, at the battell of Vernoill, both the Earle of Buchquhan, the conneſtable of Fraunce,The ſlaugh|ter of Scottes, at the battell of Vernoill. and this Duke of Touraine, with his ſonne the Earle of Wigtoun, and the moſt parte of all their retinewes were ſlayne by the Engliſh puiſſance, as in the French and Engliſh hiſtores more plainely may appeare.

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