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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The crewell dealing of the Engliſhmen towardes the Scottes.But the Engliſhmen ſhewed themſelues to beare ſuche hatred towarde the Scottes, that ſo many as fell into their handes neuer needed to ſtrayne their friendes for their raunſomes, which crueltie they put not in practiſe againſt their eni|mies being of any other nation.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At length,The death of Henry King of Englande. King Henry fell into a greeuous diſeaſe, whiche in ſhorte time made an ende of hys lyfe, notwithſtandyng all the helpe that ey|ther by Phiſicke or otherwayes, myght be mini|ſtred vnto him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame yeere,


The death of Charles the French King.

that is to witte .1422. the French King Charles the ſyxt of that name de|ceaſſed, after whome ſucceeded his ſonne Charles the ſeuenth, before named the Dolphin, as the cuſtome there is.

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